Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I found where the tea party was during the Bush Administration

In reading the letter; Levenson, Charles. “Where was Tea Party during Bush years?” Asbury Park Press 8 Mar 2010: I can’t help but notice the author’s selective memory regarding that time period. He claims that nothing was said by the “Tea Party” movement during the eight years the Republicans were in control of the House and Senate by stating “Yet, during eight years of fiscal abuse and one-sided, wealth-favored government by Republicans, these so-called "patriots" were neither seen nor heard. Why?”

Didn’t the Democrats promising to put a stop to the shenanigans of the Republicans, drain the swamp of corruption and to curb the “drunken sailor” spending attitude of the Bush Administration win majorities in both the House and the Senate in 2006? 

Doesn’t the author realize that after the average Americans voted the Democrats into those majority positions instead of putting that sailor in the brig, the Democrats intoxicated the entire fleet and sent them off on a spending spree?

The Democrats solution to the outrageous spending habits of the Bush administration was to quadruple the spending, a solution that didn’t make sense.

And the ethical misconduct of the Republican Party that was supposed to be drained has since been overshadowed by an even greater ethical misconduct by the current Administration and ruling Democrats.

Those same average American Citizens came to realize they were being ignored by their representatives in Washington and at the same time these representatives were ignoring the oath they took to uphold and defend the Constitution; so they decided to organize and collectively voice their dissatisfaction with the way our government is being run.

And THAT was the birth of the “Tea Party” movement.
The leaders of this fleet of “drunken sailors” and the Main Stream Media scared of the conservative voice of the average American citizen are quick to imply that the “Tea Party” movement is somehow a covert operation of the Republican Party or some radical right wing racist movement; they go as far as to use a derogatory sexually explicit play on the “Tea Party” name when describing these citizens who are just exercising their 1stamendment right of the people to peaceably assemble. They do this in an attempt to marginalize that Conservative voice and try to diminish the messages being sent.

Contrary to what you are being told the “Tea Party” movement represents no particular political party, its members are Democrats, Republicans and Independents; and they are willing to back any candidate that represents THEIR values, regardless of party affiliation.

Those simple values being:

  1. Fiscal Responsibility
  2. Honor your oath to defend and uphold the United States Constitution
  3. Uphold your constituents' choice, not do whatever you or the party wants.

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